Rockii-Hybrids have the beautiful color pattern in the center of the flower due to crossbreeding with the wild form P. rockii. Compared to the suffruticosa varieties, the Rockii-Hybrids grow much faster and more vigorously. Rockii-Hybrids also have a strong tendency to form basal shoots. This can result in quite wide bushes over the years, up to 1.8 meters in height. Rockii-Hybrids usually flower around the end of April, depending on the weather. They usually flower after the suffruticosa but before most of the Lutea-Hybrids.
Apart from the Rockii-Hybrids there are Lutea-Hybrids, Suffruticosa, und Woody Species zu unserem Baumpäoniensortiment. Auf dieser Seite sehen Sie nun ausschließlich Rockii-Hybrids, like they are found in the nature. Further information about woody peonies and useful tips for planting and care can be found here.
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