
Paeonia lactiflora is probably the most famous group of peonies. These are herbaceous peony varieties that are the result of crosses within the species P. lactiflora. They are often called Chinese peonies. Characteristic of these varieties are the great variability of flower shapes, usually good fragrance and suitability as cut flowers. Growth and cultural requirements of P. lactiflora-varieties hardly differ from other herbaceous peonies

In addition to P. lactiflora, Herbaceous Hybrids and Herbaceous Species are part of the Herbaceous Peony assortment. On this page you will now see only Paeonia lactiflora varieties. More information about Herbaceous Peonies and useful tips on planting and care can be found here.

Please click on the picture to get detailed information about the variety, in addition you can sort by price, flower colour, flower shape, flowering time, height and fragrance by using the filter functionality.

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Showing 1–50 of 159 results

Order now untill September 15th - Plants will be shipped in fall!
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